Corporate Documents
Corporate documents and publications
Te Pūrongo ā-Tau | Annual Report 2023 was tabled in Parliament on 6 August 2024. To view, see Te Pūrongo ā-Tau | Annual Report 2023.
Te Pūrongo ā-Tau | Annual Report 2022 was tabled in Parliament on 1 August 2023. To view, see Te Pūrongo ā-Tau | Annual Report.
Te Pūkenga Annual Report 2021 was tabled in Parliament on 22 June 2022. To view, see Te Pūkenga Annual Report 2021.
Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning Annual Report 2021 is available to view. To view, see Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning Annual Report 2021.
Te Pūkenga Annual Report was tabled in Parliament on 21 May 2021. To view, see Te Pūkenga Annual Report 2020.
Our Briefing to the Incoming Minister (BIM) was provided to Hon Penny Simmonds shortly after her appointment as Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills in November 2023.
The BIM was intended to build on the Minister’s understanding of our role in the tertiary education system in New Zealand.
Please note information contained in the BIM was relevant as at November 2023 and will be subject to change as our work progresses.
Read the Briefing to the Incoming Minister
The Government is seeking feedback on proposed reforms for the vocational education system through this consultation.
Te Pūkenga Transitional Statement of Intent 2021-2024 committed Te Pūkenga to (amongst other things) undertaking an external review on the effectiveness of Council (‘the Review’). Accordingly, in late 2021 the Council initiated the Review pursuant to an agreed Terms of Reference that focused on Te Pūkenga governance framework, its effectiveness, alignment with best practice, its fitness for purpose and any areas identified for improvement.
Dame Karen Sewell and Belinda Clark were appointed to undertake the review.
The Reviewers provided their final report to management in May 2022. A link to the Review report and terms of reference is available here:Te Pūkenga Governance Review report.
Mahere Haumi | Investment Plan 2024-2026
This Investment Plan describes our investment decisions that contribute towards the future for a key period in our transformation – 2024-2026.
You can read Mahere Haumi | Investment Plan 2024-2026 here.
Appendix D - Te Pūkenga Learner Success Plan.
Appendix E - National Disability Action Plan.
Mahere Haumi | Investment Plan 2023-2025
This summary of the 2023-2025 Investment Plan for Te Pūkenga sets out how we will support the Government’s goals for building a proactive, sustainable and inclusive economy and improving the wellbeing of all New Zealanders.
The Minister of Education has outlined Crown funding arrangements in his NZIST Funding letter.
Letter of Expectations from the Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills in December 2023.
Clarification of Letter of Expectations from the Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills in May 2024.
Statement of Intent 2025-2028 and Statement of Performance Expectations 2025
Statement of Intent 2024-2027 and Statement of Performance Expectations 2024.
In June 2024, the Tertiary Education Commission sent a letter asking Te Pūkenga to obtain specialist support to accelerate work to improve the financial viability of its sixteen Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics.
In June, Te Pūkenga Council sent a response to the Tertiary Education Commission’s letter.
On 9 July, the Tertiary Education Commission sent a letter to Te Pūkenga confirming the organisations and people to engage.
In May 2020, we published seven Mobilising the New World interim reports and invited feedback. We’ve now summarised that feedback to produce the Mobilising the New World Summary of Feedback. This valuable feedback, that NZIST’s Council has reviewed, can now be used as additional input for the transformation of New Zealand's vocational education sector, including informing the development of NZIST’s operating model.
About Mobilising the New World
Seven working groups consisting of 76 people from across the vocational education sector were established by the IST Establishment Board to consider the future of the vocational education once NZIST came into existence. The working groups were asked to think about the future of the provision of vocational education.
While the world has shifted due to the 2019 COVID-19 pandemic since these reports were compiled, they are still relevant and important as we navigate our way towards a different way of providing vocational education.
The Mobilising the New World Reports can be found here:
Interim Report Executive Summaries
2. Employer and Community Engagement Model
The Education (Pastoral Care Code of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 (the Code), sets the outcomes and requirements that we must meet to ensure the wellbeing and safety of all domestic and international ākonga, this includes work-based ākonga and residents in student accommodation. It covers all aspects of pastoral care and is a legislative requirement across Aotearoa New Zealand, administered and monitored by NZQA.
The Code is a key tool we are using to make sure ākonga are at the centre of everything we do.
We have a significant work programme underway that will see the Code embedded in our systems, processes and day-to-day mahi. In 2023 we’re focusing on:
- Building the structures and supports to better engage with ākonga and have them involved in decision making.
- Completion of our first Te Pūkenga wide self-review report of compliance to the Code. This outlines the quality of pastoral care we provide in multiple work-based, online, face-to-face and residential environments, and enables us to identify any areas where practice needs improvement.
- Building kaimahi capability so we all know and understand the Code and what it means to us both as an organisation and in our day-to-day mahi.
View a copy of Te Pūkenga Pastoral Care Policy
Te Pūkenga Ākonga Pastoral Care Code Framework
- We have developed a framework that outlines the six strategic shifts we are making as an organisation to comply with the Code.
- The Framework provides a structure that allows for diversity in services and support for ākonga, as well as promoting the aspirational nature of the Code.
- We will use the Framework and our annual self-review report to identify which areas we need to focus on each year to increase our Code compliance and improve ākonga wellbeing and safety.
View a copy of Te Pūkenga Ākonga Pastoral Code Framework
Self-review report and attestation
- The Tā Te Pūkenga Arotake Whaiaro 2023 (Te Pūkenga Code Self-Review Report 2023 demonstrates a positive shift in compliance levels within each Code outcome
since the inaugural 2022 self-review report. - This self-review report of 2022 pastoral care presents a high-level organisational view of ākonga wellbeing and safety systems throughout Te Pūkenga, and is underpinned by detailed business division self-reviews.
- Every aspect of pastoral Care Code (of Practice) is examined through the self-evaluation process. This self-review report presents the aggregated visual data and commentary for each outcome, associated processes and a national action plan for prioritised improvements. This report shows that overall, Te Pūkenga provides effective and Code compliant pastoral care to ākonga across the motu.
Te Pūkenga self-review report for 2023
Te Pūkenga self-review report for 2022
The Code supports Te Pūkenga mahi
The Code will help support us to meet Te Pūkenga Charter, Te Pae Tāwhiti and Te Rito Outcomes Framework, and reflects our values and many of our learner-centred priorities.
Pastoral Care Code Resources
The 2024 Statement of Performance Expectations was submitted to the Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills in Dec 2023 and sets out the performance expectations for Te Pūkenga for 2024.
The 2023 Statement of Performance Expectations was submitted to the Minister of Education in Dec 2022 and sets out the performance expectations for Te Pūkenga for 2023.
Tauākī Whakamaunga Atu Tauwhirowhiro - Transitional Statement of Intent 2021-24
This Transitional Statement of Intent was submitted to the Minister of Education on 4 February 2021 and sets out the strategic intentions for Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology for the period 2021-24.
Our groundwork
Te Pae Tawhiti is our Te Tiriti o Waitangi Excellence Framework.
Te Pae Tawhiti – Insights Report 2021
See: Te Pae Tawhiti Insights into Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Māori Equity practices throughout our network
Te Pae Tawhiti – National Office Insights Report 2022
Te Pae Tawhiti – Work Based Learning Insights Report 2022
- Te Pūkenga Strategic Disability Action Plan in Word format
- Te Pūkenga Strategic Disability Action Plan in PDF format
See (screen-reader accessible versions):
Te Rito - Insights from learners and staff part one, amplifies Māori learners’ voices about factors that enable their success in vocational learning.
Te Rito Insights from Pacific learners, Part Two amplifies Pacific learners’ voices about factors that enable their success in vocational learning.
Te Rito Insights from disabled learners, Part Three amplifies disabled learners’ voices about factors that enable their success in vocational learning.
An easy read Word version of this is available here: Te Rito Insights from Disabled learners - easy read
Te Rito - Learner and Staff Personas
A collection of 20 learner and seven staff personas aims to enable and support Te Pūkenga and people working in vocational education and learning to strengthen a learner-centred culture. They reflect many of the common voices presented in the Te Rito Insights from Learners and Staff reports based on our Ākonga at the Centre research (Te Pūkenga 2021).
Achieving equity for underserved learners has been the guiding principle of this research. It has also been central to the design and approach of the project through to the presentation of the findings and associated resources. By showing the barriers that need to be removed to achieve equity and the aspirations and enablers to success, these personas will help our network to put ākonga at the centre of everyday decisions, at every level of our mahi.
Download our Learner and Staff Personas
Watch our Persona Videos
Te Pūkenga Learner Persona Video 1 - Creating a legacy for my whānau
Te Pūkenga Learner Persona Video 2 - Determined and Enabled
Te Pūkenga Learner Persona Video 3 - Our Needs
Te Pūkenga Learner Persona Video 4 - Titiro ki Tua
Our legal framework
CE Gifts Benefits Expenses Disclosure Workbook 2023 Winder
CE Gifts Benefits Expenses Disclosure Workbook 2022 Town
We were established as a Crown Entity on 1 April 2020 by legislative enactment. You can read about the legislation that guides us and our Charter here.
We are guided by these Acts:
- Education and Training Act 2020 (the Education Act)
- Crown Entities Act 2004 (the Crown Entities Act)
- Public Sector Act 2020 (the Public Sector Act)
- Public Finance Act 1989 (the Public Finance Act)
- Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA)
- Official Information Act 1982 (OIA)
- Privacy Act 2020 (Privacy Act)