Whakapā mai ki Te Pūkenga
Get in touch with us

Contact a learning provider
Click on a Te Pūkenga learning provider below to go directly to their website or see their contact details.
On campus providers
Ara Institute of Canterbury | 0800 24 24 76 | Email now |
Eastern Institute of Technology | 0800 22 55 348 | Email now |
Manukau Institute of Technology | 0800 62 62 52 | Enquiry form |
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology | 0800 422 733 | Email now |
NorthTec | 0800 808 856 | Enquiry form |
Otago Polytechnic | 0800 762 786 | Email now |
Southern Institute of Technology | 0800 403 337 | Enquiry form |
Tai Poutini Polytechnic | 0800 800 411 | Email now |
Toi Ohomai | 0800 86 46 46 | Email now |
Unitec | 0800 109 510 | Email now |
Universal College of Learning | 0800 468 265 | Email now |
Waikato Institute of Technology | 0800 294 6832 | Email now |
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki | 0800 948 869 | Email now |
Whitireia and WelTec | 0800 935 832 | Email now |
Online provider
Open Polytechnic | 0508 650 200 | Email now |
On-the-job providers
BCITO | 0800 4 BCITO | Email now |
Careerforce | 0800 277 486 | Email now |
Competenz | 0800 62 62 52 | Enquiry form |
Connexis | 0800 486 626 | Email now |
EarnLearn | 0800 327 648 | Enquiry form |
HITO | 04 499 1180 | Enquiry form |
MITO | 0800 88 21 21 | Email now |
Primary ITO | 0800 20 80 20 | Email now |
ServiceIQ | 0800 863 963 | Email now |