BCITO Chief Executive Toby Beaglehole has been appointed Chief Executive of Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning Limited (WBL), a subsidiary of Te Pūkenga.
BCITO Chair Mike King wished Toby every success in the new role and said it is a pleasure to see BCITO leaning into the opportunities WBL and Te Pūkenga presents.
“This appointment recognises Toby’s ability, but also demonstrates the high regard held for BCITO people, culture and practices, which we hope to see reflected in the culture of WBL going forward,” he said.
Te Pūkenga Chair Murray Strong welcomed Toby to Te Pūkenga whānau and said Toby’s experience in the sector, knowledge of the path ahead and leadership would be a real asset to the organisation.
“We’re thrilled to have a Chief Executive of Toby’s calibre, with a wealth of experience in the sector, leading this important mahi. Toby will ensure a smooth transition of those TITOs transitioning later this year and in 2022, as well as supporting us to build on the strengths of work-based and industry training,” Mr Strong said.
Mr Beaglehole said “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at BCITO and seeing the whole team grow and manage through the challenges of an all-time record 20,000 apprentices in training, while moving through the RoVE process. I am immensely proud of what we have achieved. I know that in my new role I can be confident that vocational training in the sector is in good hands.”
Toby will take up the role of Chief Executive on 4 October 2021, in line with BCITO’s transition to WBL. Recruitment is underway to appoint a Director to lead the BCITO Business Division of WBL following transition. WBL Acting Chief Executive Fiona Kingsford will work with Toby and the WBL Board through to the end of November to ensure a thorough handover.
Mr Strong thanked Fiona, who has been in the role since August, following her time as Chief Executive of Competenz. She also held the role of TITO Transition Capability Lead with Te Pūkenga while Chief Executive of Competenz.
“Fiona has been a dedicated leader of WBL throughout its establishment as well as for the first transition of industry training to Te Pūkenga and we thank her wholeheartedly for her mahi,” he said.
Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning Limited is a subsidiary of Te Pūkenga. Once fully established, Te Pūkenga will be New Zealand’s largest tertiary provider and the 35th largest globally and it is expected that 60 percent of Te Pūkenga learners will be work-based.