May 2022 newsletter
Kia ora koutou,
Kei aku huia kaimanawa hurinoa, nei rā te mihi o ngākau e rere atu nei
Much of what we do and talk about now focuses on our future operating model which outlines how we will operate, and the core functions needed to deliver on our purpose. It also includes our organisational structure – so it’s not surprising that it is so eagerly anticipated.
Our future Operating Model and the way we structure ourselves is one part of how we set up our organisation to make a tangible difference for all ākonga (learners) and kaimahi (staff) in our network. There is also activity underway (our work plan) to ensure we take a more integrated approach to how we enable future success for all learners. This work relates to how we support our people, culture, and leadership, data and technology, teaching and learning, guided pathways for learners, improved holistic support, learner-centric systems, and partnerships.
An example of a more integrated approach is the first national strategic disability action plan adopted by our Council last week. This plan was developed with disabled ākonga and kaimahi to create a pathway to improved outcomes for learners with disabilities. We know disabled ākonga face barriers to learning, and we need to build our capability and infrastructure to ensure education with Te Pūkenga is accessible for them.
The plan focuses on implementing the Accessibility Charter, increasing kaimahi capability, and capturing consistent data on disabled ākonga, so we know if we are shifting the dial. We’re also strengthening our partnerships with disabled ākonga and bringing together kaimahi who support them. Good relationships mean we can have honest conversations about what is and what isn’t working.
We will also pilot two new initiatives across Aotearoa this year, with the aim to start scaling them across our network from 2023. Both Whakawhanaungatanga for Pre-start and Tuakana-Teina or Peer Mentoring focus on establishing meaningful connections and a sense of belonging for ākonga and whānau right from the beginning of their learning journey. Ākonga and kaimahi have told us these will make a big difference, and the data supports this.
Working together, growing what works well and sharing information will be vital to making a difference for all ākonga and their success.
Ngā mihi,
Tania Winslade
Deputy Chief Executive, Learner Journey and Experience
News from our friends
- Ara Institute of Canterbury
Ara Advantage Scholarships – new and improved! - BCITO
Striving for diversity in the trades - Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
Weaving the foundation for a new future - Whitirea and WelTec
Whitireia and WelTec implement new Māori and Pacific-led model to support student success