Our response to COVID-19

Te Pūkenga continues to monitor and follow COVID-19 guidance provided by the New Zealand Government. For the latest information, please visit the Unite against Covid-19 website.
On Friday 1 April 2022, an updated vaccination position statement was approved by the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee of Te Pūkenga Council.
The Position Statement states that unless required by a risk assessment or legislation, proof of vaccination status is not required for kaimahi, ākonga or visitors to enter Te Pūkenga workplaces. We will continue to follow proof of vaccination requirements for any third parties we interact with.
The position statement states that unless required by a risk assessment or legislation, proof of vaccination status is not required for kaimahi, ākonga or visitors to enter Te Pūkenga workplaces. We will continue to follow proof of vaccination requirements for any third parties we interact with.
You can read our position statement here:Te Pūkenga Position Statement regarding COVID-19 Vaccination
Useful links to information for ākonga and learning providers
Ministry of Education advice for tertiary learners and providers
StudyLink information for learners
Mental Health Foundation and NauMai for online mental health tools and guidance
Ministry of Health for health advice, including vaccination information
Unite against Covid-19 for information on settings and requirements