Te Pūkenga learner advisory committee makes finals of national governance award


Te Pūkenga learner advisory committee makes finals of national governance award

Hōngongoi 18, 2022 | 2 min read

Te Pūkenga Learner Advisory Committee has been shortlisted for the 2022 national ‘Spirit of Service’ governance award.

The Award, which is offered by the New Zealand Public Service Commission, celebrates outstanding examples of innovation, dedication, and team culture in governance.

The Committee is a passionate group of individuals who provide an avenue for learner perspectives and voices into decision making. This includes learners who are traditionally underserved – ākonga Māori, Pacific and disabled.

Jordan Gush, apprentice and Council member welcomes the opportunity to participate in a learner body. “To not only be able to participate but to have a seat at the governance table is different - I hope other organisations will take this onboard. I look forward to the positive impact that having learners at the table will have to help ensure all learners succeed and we achieve equity within vocational education in Aotearoa”.

The group contributes to the development and review of key strategic matters with Te Pūkenga Council, and also provides advice to the Council on significant matters relating to the Council’s strategic direction, Te Pūkenga legislation, as well as any frameworks or policies relevant to learners or delegated to the Committee by the Council.

Tania Winslade, Deputy Chief Executive of Learner Journey and Experience says she is impressed by their dedication. "The Committee demonstrate what can be achieved when learners know their voice matters and contributes to decision-making. They are wholly committed to the transformation of vocational education."